This Way That Way, The Dowse Art Museum, Wellington Te Whanganui-a-Tara, 2020.
This Way That Way, The Dowse Art Museum, Wellington Te Whanganui-a-Tara, 2020.
Installation detail: Hi Stepper 2020, clay, pine blocks and acrylic paint (foreground).
Installation detail: Hi Stepper 2020, clay, pine blocks and acrylic paint (foreground).
Installation detail including: Reclaim the Night, 2019, canvas, velvet, digital prints on canvas, glue, wooden tent pole and Boots!, 2020, clay and candle.
Installation detail including: Reclaim the Night, 2019, canvas, velvet, digital prints on canvas, glue, wooden tent pole and Boots!, 2020, clay and candle.
Installation view including Column ( Be Soft, Be Strong), 2018, calico, canvas, acrylic paint, digital prints, thread, glue and polyfill (far right).
Installation view including Column ( Be Soft, Be Strong), 2018, calico, canvas, acrylic paint, digital prints, thread, glue and polyfill (far right).
Installation detail: High Achiever, 2020, clay and candles.
Installation detail: High Achiever, 2020, clay and candles.
Installation view including l-r: Exams, 2019, acrylic on canvas; Exams I and II, clay, pine blocks, acrylic; and Parade, 2020, clay and candle.
Installation view including l-r: Exams, 2019, acrylic on canvas; Exams I and II, clay, pine blocks, acrylic; and Parade, 2020, clay and candle.
Installation detail: Golden Teacher, 2020, clay, cotton cord, cast bronze and pine block with acrylic house paint.
Installation detail: Golden Teacher, 2020, clay, cotton cord, cast bronze and pine block with acrylic house paint.
Installation detail: Parade, 2020, clay and candles.
Installation detail: Parade, 2020, clay and candles.
Installation detail including: Mother, 2020, clay, card and cinefoil; Power Smock, 2019, cotton thread, acrylic, digital print on canvas.
Installation detail including: Mother, 2020, clay, card and cinefoil; Power Smock, 2019, cotton thread, acrylic, digital print on canvas.
Installation view including l-r: Hi Achiever, Hi Stepper, Exams I and II, Reclaim the Night, Boots!, and Column ( Be Soft, Be Strong).
Installation view including l-r: Hi Achiever, Hi Stepper, Exams I and II, Reclaim the Night, Boots!, and Column ( Be Soft, Be Strong).
Installation view including works l-r: Air Punch, 2020, clay and cast bronze; Steps ( Dad), 2020, clay; Loves Me Like A Rock, 2019, acrylic and digital print on canvas and Hi Stepper, 2020.
Installation view including works l-r: Air Punch, 2020, clay and cast bronze; Steps ( Dad), 2020, clay; Loves Me Like A Rock, 2019, acrylic and digital print on canvas and Hi Stepper, 2020.
This Way That Way, The Dowse Art Museum, Wellington Te Whanganui-a-Tara, 2020.
Installation detail: Hi Stepper 2020, clay, pine blocks and acrylic paint (foreground).
Installation detail including: Reclaim the Night, 2019, canvas, velvet, digital prints on canvas, glue, wooden tent pole and Boots!, 2020, clay and candle.
Installation view including Column ( Be Soft, Be Strong), 2018, calico, canvas, acrylic paint, digital prints, thread, glue and polyfill (far right).
Installation detail: High Achiever, 2020, clay and candles.
Installation view including l-r: Exams, 2019, acrylic on canvas; Exams I and II, clay, pine blocks, acrylic; and Parade, 2020, clay and candle.
Installation detail: Golden Teacher, 2020, clay, cotton cord, cast bronze and pine block with acrylic house paint.
Installation detail: Parade, 2020, clay and candles.
Installation detail including: Mother, 2020, clay, card and cinefoil; Power Smock, 2019, cotton thread, acrylic, digital print on canvas.
Installation view including l-r: Hi Achiever, Hi Stepper, Exams I and II, Reclaim the Night, Boots!, and Column ( Be Soft, Be Strong).
Installation view including works l-r: Air Punch, 2020, clay and cast bronze; Steps ( Dad), 2020, clay; Loves Me Like A Rock, 2019, acrylic and digital print on canvas and Hi Stepper, 2020.
This Way That Way, The Dowse Art Museum, Wellington Te Whanganui-a-Tara, 2020.
Installation detail: Hi Stepper 2020, clay, pine blocks and acrylic paint (foreground).
Installation detail including: Reclaim the Night, 2019, canvas, velvet, digital prints on canvas, glue, wooden tent pole and Boots!, 2020, clay and candle.
Installation view including Column ( Be Soft, Be Strong), 2018, calico, canvas, acrylic paint, digital prints, thread, glue and polyfill (far right).
Installation detail: High Achiever, 2020, clay and candles.
Installation view including l-r: Exams, 2019, acrylic on canvas; Exams I and II, clay, pine blocks, acrylic; and Parade, 2020, clay and candle.
Installation detail: Golden Teacher, 2020, clay, cotton cord, cast bronze and pine block with acrylic house paint.
Installation detail: Parade, 2020, clay and candles.
Installation detail including: Mother, 2020, clay, card and cinefoil; Power Smock, 2019, cotton thread, acrylic, digital print on canvas.
Installation view including l-r: Hi Achiever, Hi Stepper, Exams I and II, Reclaim the Night, Boots!, and Column ( Be Soft, Be Strong).
Installation view including works l-r: Air Punch, 2020, clay and cast bronze; Steps ( Dad), 2020, clay; Loves Me Like A Rock, 2019, acrylic and digital print on canvas and Hi Stepper, 2020.
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